Nexsis Central

Nexsis Academic is proud to introduce Nexsis Central, the premiere web-based academic management system. Nexsis Central manages all of your institution's academic information and integrates with the leading Learning Management Systems.

Student Information System (SIS)

  • Nexsis Academic provides the ability to maintain information about programmes, subjects, terms, courses, people, programme registrations, and course enrolments.

  • The reporting system can produce a variety of reports in PDF format, including transcripts and class lists.

  • The mail merge facility creates documents customized for persons and registrations, such as a welcome letter for Bachelor students, or a graduation message for PhD students.

Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

  • Nexsis Academic has a full working integration for both Canvas and Moodle.

  • Simultaneous integration with multiple LMS instances (each an “LMS campus”) are available.

  • The LMS synchronization provides immediate synchronization of persons, terms, subjects, courses, and enrolments with each LMS campus

  • The LMS synchronization enables the retrieval of student progress, including completion rates and projected grades from each LMS campus, with aggregation of results by course and term, and also by each person’s active enrolments across all LMS campuses.

  • Lastly, there are rules-based Smart Courses that will maintain enrolments based on SIS-related programmes and roles (e.g., a course for all active students, for post-graduate lecturers, for alumni, etc.)

Key Features

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Executive level summary screen that displays key insights into the operations of your institution.

Data displayed in searchable, sortable lists that can be exported to either PDF or CSV format at the click of a button.

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Powerful Edit and Create screens that limit human error and enable rapid data entry.

In addition to Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) screens, Nexsis Central provides additional tools designed to manage tedious tasks more quickly and efficiently.

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4 Valley on Main, Fish Hoek, Cape Town

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